Heron Academy is a registered Proprietor Firm dealing with training and coaching with an educational endeavor and objective to manifest the will to win . It helps to achieve an holistic development of learning in a judicious manner which is creative and inspiring .
The word Heron has been taken from “Heron Bird”, which in native American tradition is associated with wisdom; since it has good judgmental skills .
Heron Academy is a lodestar , which under its varied programme will guide an individual to be confident in all spheres of life by conducting these programmes with innovative teaching methodology and modern training aids .
The proprietor Mrs Manju Kharayat is an army officer’s wife with 18 years of training experience in various sectors which includes schools , cooperates and AWWA (NGO) programmes .
Our Mission
The mission of Heron Academy is to bring in a holistic development in a person and get into a learning curve by upgrading the knowledge and skills with a unique methodology of unlearn, learn and relearn, designed with a scientific approach and with the motto of “ not only to survive but also to thrive ” .
In Heron Academy, emphasis is not only to be laid on spoken English or defined curriculum of the various courses conducted , but also to help bring the best self out and make an individual believe in his competency with a will to win and succeed . Accordingly , programmes are structured in a manner which are practical , student friendly and easy to comprehend . Character building also forms a vital component of training here in Heron Academy .
To make English simplified , practical and usable grammar tasks that blend a venture of linguistic accuracy with inter play between correctness and contextual appropriateness is emphasised upon . The course is designed with the purpose of helping learners attain communication proficiency in the language , develop efficient use of language skills with ease .
Heron believes each one of us has the ability to rise above the mediocrity and become the best versions of ourselves , it helps an individual to believe in its competency by training them under its programmes .
Mrs. Manju Kharayat is an educationist , motivator and life skills coach with demonstrative ability in dividing and accelerating the training process . Set with a key focus in self discipline and extending the frontiers of knowledge . The motto of will to win manifests and forwards the journey towards self actualization and the climb to achieve .